
Program 2024
Cyber Security Nordic 2024 Program
The program will be updated and more insightful keynotes are coming, stay tuned!
9.30-9.55 A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe: threats and actions
Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director, The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA
10.30-10.55 Current EU cyber affairs
Henna Virkkunen, MEP
11.00-11.25 How technology helps Ukraine to fight a hybrid war?
Jaanika Merilo, Advisor to Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (pre-recorded)
12.30-13.00 Building Cyber Resilience: A Call to Action for Collective Responsibility
Colm Murphy Senior Cyber Security Advisor, Global Cyber Security Transparency Centre, Huawei
- Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. It also requires a risk based approach. In theory, this means that the various actors in the ecosystem, from the technology manufactures to the network and infrastructure operators, the policy makers, regulators and standards organisations, each has its role to play and must work together for the benefit of businesses and citizens. But the practical reality is more complicated and nuanced. This presentation will address this reality by focusing on three scenarios, Cloud, AI and Telecoms, offering some practical advice about the considerations all businesses face when making technology decisions.
13.05-13.35 The Cyber Threat Landscape of the Nordics
Valentino De Sousa, Principal Director, Europe Cyber Threat Intelligence Lead, Accenture Security
- The threat landscape has changed. Cyberattackers come in many forms and with different motivations. In cybersecurity terminology, these disparate groups are often bundled together using the term “threat actors”. In 2022, malicious threat actors adapted quickly to exploit changes in the political, technological and regulatory landscapes. In his presentation, Valentino will go through the Nordics Cyber Threat Landscape, touching what he sees as main trends, but also deep diving into industry incidents, primary threat actors, motivation and attack vectors.
13.40-14.10 ”Click Happens” – how to mitigate emerging endpoint security risks
Pelle Aardewerk, Head of Vertical Solutions, HP Wolf Security, EMEA
- Why is Endpoint Security an increasing emerging threat? And how will companies practically implement a fit-for-purpose Zero-Trust Endpoint Security architecture as a combination of people, policy and technology? Practical case studies how to effectively: Prevent more frequent / sophisticated malware / ransomware attacks, respond to an incident and ensure resilience & employee productivity, protect your data from stolen laptops. As well as Supply Chain Security emerging threat (new in upcoming NIS2 / CRA / DORA EU cyber security regulations); How to ensure that vendors/suppliers in the supply chain will commit / comply together to cyber security standards/practices (and mitigate risks to an acceptable level)?
14.40-15.10 Stepping Ahead of Risk: Risk Insights from the Broadest Attack Surface View
Jon Clay, VP of Threat Intelligence, Trend Micro
- Jon Clay the VP of Threat Intelligence talks about the latest analysis and insights and the top stories on AI, ransomware, APT campaigns, and the threat landscape to show a broad view of malicious activities in the first half of 2023.
15.15-16.00 Panel: How Europe tackles cyber threats
Panelists: Tarja Fernandez, Ambassador of Cyber Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Peter Sund, CEO, FISC, Stefan Lee, Deputy Director of National Cyber Security of Finland
- Europe is working on various fronts to promote cyber resilience, boost cyber defence and diplomacy as well as fighting against cybercrime. How is Europe coping?
16.00-16.15 Cyber Security Nordic Competition Award
17:00-19:00 Get together
9.25-9.50 The NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project
Angela Robinson, Mathematician, NIST
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a public process to select quantum-resistant public key cryptographic algorithms for standardization in response to the substantial development and advancement of quantum computing. NIST issued the public call for submissions to the PQC Standardization Process in December 2016 and, after three rounds of evaluation and analysis, announced the selection of the first algorithms to be standardized: CRYSTALS-KYBER, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, FALCON, and SPHINCS+. In this talk we will discuss the three current NIST PQC endeavors: drafting standards for the four selected algorithms, the remaining algorithms under consideration in the 4th round of evaluation, and the call for additional digital signatures to be considered for standardization.
9.50-10.20 Stories from the frontline
Markus Alkio, Executive Vice President, NetNordic
- How do hackers conduct their operations? Which vulnerabilities do they exploit? What measures can be taken to prevent and mitigate such attacks? NetNordic’s team of cyber security experts provides an exclusive glimpse into our operational methods, ensuring strong protection for your IT infrastructure.
10.50-11.15 Data transfers from the EU to third countries in this current political situation (online)
Max Schrems, European Center for Digital Rights, NOYB
11.15-11.45 Malign Influence Operations in an Era of Persistent Cyber Conflict
Rachel Chernaskey, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), Director, Microsoft
- Nation states are increasingly deploying influence operations in parallel to cyberattacks to achieve strategic and geopolitical goals. This overview examines how nation states attempt to use these operations to impact and shape elections, conflicts, and other major world events. The Microsoft Threat Analysis Center’s mission is to detect, assess, and disrupt digital threats to Microsoft, its customers, and democracies worldwide. MTAC brings together a team of experts fluent in over eighteen languages and able to analyze malign influence threats arising from authoritarian nation states.
12.50-13.20 Business Resilience as a Strategic Priority
Teemu Salmi, CEO Nixu Corporation
- A view based on multiple data points on how the world is shaping & impacting the cybersecurity industry. Focusing on the future and how to prepare for 2024, Mr. Salmi will analyze the most critical capabilities and top concerns of the field.
13.25-13.55 Enhancing Business Resilience: Leveraging AI for Continuous Compliance to maximize your security posture
Marcin Spychala, BigFix Technical Advisor, Acting Team Leader EMEA, HCL Software
- Key topics: Leveraging CyberFocus Analytics to Minimize Business Interruption, Leveraging AI to Automate Vulnerability Remediation, Delivering Comprehensive Continuous Compliance, Protection Level Agreement Definitions and Reporting
14.00-14.30 Learning from 10000 hours of enterprise forensics
Fabio Viggiani, CTO at Truesec and Alexander Andersson, Principal Forensic Consultant at Truesec
- What did we learn? What mistakes did we make? Are there any similarities between organizations that suffer from major cyber attacks? The session will take us through the entire lifecycle of an incident from start to end. We will cover incident response on a high level, but will also take technical deep dives on advanced forensic methodology and threat actor tactics and techniques. You will also learn how to apply the learnings to better protect your organization.
15.05-15.50 Discussion Quantum computing and cyber security
Panelists: Angela Robinson Mathematician, NIST, Juha Vartiainen co-founder and COO of IQM Quantum computers, Kimmo Järvinen CTO and co-founder of Xiphera Ltd, Sami Lehtonen, Senior Scientist, M.Sc (Tech), VTT.
15.50 Conclusion/Summary
10.20-10.40 The Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity was established in Jyväskylä
Dr. Martti Lehto, Coordinator in the Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity (FICEC) / Research Director in the IT Faculty of the University of Jyväskylä.
- The University of Jyväskylä and the Jamk University of Applied Sciences established in March the Finnish Center of Expertise for Cybersecurity. The Center strengthens the cyber know-how of the Central Finland region in particular, but also supports the Finnish cyber security brand. The Centre of Expertise gathers under its umbrella the cyber security expertise of central Finland, which is known as strong, enabling even higher-quality education, research, and development. Together, we will also be stronger in European cybersecurity forums. The presentation describes the vision and the actions of the Center.
10.45-11.05 Supercharge Detection and Response Across Your Enterprise
Mikkel Planck, Senior Cybersecurity Specialist, CrowdStrike
- Every senior manager will recognize the struggles of hiring the right people, in a job market where security professionals are a resource in high demand, and supply is severely constrained. With employees increasingly working from home and abroad, the ability to respond to adversaries becomes even more complicated and time critical. Tooling, automation and services are key to getting ahead of attackers and stop breaches, and in this session we discuss how technologies help to address skills shortages in a proactive manner.
11.10-11.30 Why we don’t draw conclusions from Stuxnet
Marcin Spychala, BigFix Technical Advisor, Acting Team Leader EMEA, HCL Software
11.35-11.55 Cyber Security Nordic Competition
- Come to check out new business ideas when early-stage startups get the chance to present their awesomeness to a group of judges. The award winner is selected by a professional jury with the following representatives Kirsi Kokko, Business Finland, Ulla Heinonen, Confederation of Finnish Industries, Juhapekka Ristola, Sitra, Peter Sund, CEO FISC.
12.00-12.20 Unlocking the Future: Exploring Passwordless Security and the FIDO Revolution in Authentication and Payments
Julien Larsonneur, Senior Sales Manager, Feitian
- For over two decades, we’ve relied on the traditional username and password authentication method. As we confront the increasing vulnerabilities associated with this approach, we’ve witnessed the emergence of PKI, OTP, PGP, and GIDS solutions, albeit contributing to the mounting fatigue of end users due to their complexity. Enter FIDO, the latest and most innovative Passwordless Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solution that strikes the perfect balance between security and user-friendliness. Notably, FIDO has seamlessly integrated with these legacy protocols and has extended its reach to encompass physical access control solutions and potential payment applications, including EMV and CPA/CPACE schemes. Our proposal provides a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of security key and smart card technology in the realm of MFA and payments, shedding light on the past, present, and the exciting possibilities for a passwordless future powered by FIDO.
12.25-12.45 What is a true SASE platform and how can it support your business?
Michael Norin, Regional Sales Director, Nordics, Cato Networks
- Cato pioneered the convergence of networking and security into the cloud. Aligned with Gartner’s Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework, Cato Networks delivers a next generation secure network architecture that eliminates the complexity, costs, and risks associated with legacy IT approaches based on disjointed point solutions. With Cato, organizations securely and optimally connect any user to any application anywhere on the globe in an optimal way, including from China. Our cloud-native architecture enables Cato to rapidly deploy new capabilities and maintain optimum security posture, with minimal effort from the IT teams. With Cato, your IT organization and your business are ready for whatever comes next!
12.50-13.10 Zero Day Summer- How the Increase in New Vulnerabilities affects our Security Posture
Hugo Sigurdsson, Mandiant Consulting Sales Engineer- Nordics
- Join Sigurdsson for a deeper dive into the current threats and vulnerabilities that our Mandiant experts are seeing, and how these directly affect your security posture.
13.15-13.35 How to Find the Soft Underbelly of the On-Premises Network
Petri Saarenmaa, Senior Cyber Security Consultant, Netum
- During this presentation, you will hear lessons learned from years of configuring networks and assessing their security. Includes information on finding vulnerabilities in network devices with a case study example. Finally, what sort of steps should you take to secure your switches and routers?
13.40-14.00 XM Cyber: From Vulnerability Management to Continuous Exposure Management
Caroline Paddle, Regional Sales Director NEUR, XM Cyber
- With attacks regularly going undetected, improving security posture is an ever-growing priority. But often security and IT teams are not aligned on which of the thousands of CVEs, misconfigurations and at-risk identities are a priority for remediation, what can be done about any fixes that IT teams can’t do, and how to ensure that completed fixes work as intended. Join this session to learn how organizations mature their security posture by looking at their environment through the lens of an attacker, giving them a common language for discussing, and prioritizing measurable risk reduction.
14.05-14.35 How can ISO 27001 improve your company’s cyber security?
Pekka Virta, Lead Auditor of Information Security Certifications, Bureau Veritas
- Cyber threats such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and identity theft have the potential to inflict irreparable damage to an organization’s reputation and financial stability. Consequently, businesses need a robust and comprehensive approach to safeguard their data and systems from such threats. In order to protect their data, many companies have integrated information security management systems. During this speech, you will learn more about the ISO 27001 standard and discover how it can help companies secure their confidential information.
14.40-15.00 Protecting Operational Technology – Risks, trends and best practices
Mikko Ala-Jaakkola, Business Development Manager, Fortinet Finland Oy
- In 2021, for the first time, manufacturing became the most targeted industry (passing banking and finance). How do we defend these industrial assets and other critical infrastructure? What are the common issues Fortinet has seen in these environments? Why are we only now talking about defending it? How to get started?
15.05-15.25 Outcomes in Identity Management
Rasa Siegberg, Business Owner, Fujitsu Finland Oy
- Viewpoints into identities and why should we care? What could happen – and what will? What to do next?
15.30-15.50 From risks to resilience
Carsten Maartmann-Moe, Head of Cyber and Digital Risk, / CEO Advisense Norway
- When high-consequence, low-probability events such as global pandemics and war materializes, our risk models governing information security and privacy tend to fail. Why is that? And what do we need to change to move our thinking from risks to resilience? Carsten gives an overview of how risk quantification, resilience optimization security and privacy by design will help building more resilient businesses, products and services.
16.45-18.30 Cybersecurity Annual Forecast 2024
9.55-10.15 Adaptation and safe use of AI: Guidance for management, specialists and personnel
Kaj Mustikkamäki, CISO, State Treasury and Kimmo Rousku, General Secretary, VAHTI-board, Finnish Digital Agency, #AI-Kimmo, digital intelligence
10.20-10.40 The expanding role of generative AI in accelerating elite SOC performance
Steve Benton, VP of Threat Research, Anomali
- Security Operation Centers (SOCs) and those who support them are under relentless pressure to stay ahead of well-funded, unconstrained adversaries that innovate continuously. This dynamic is now being accelerated by the ubiquitous adoption of AI/Generative technologies, which is rapidly taking the global security landscape to an inflection point. This presentation will reassess the CISO mission for the modern digital enterprise against this context. It will discuss the novel application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and SOC operations as it applies to understanding, detecting, operationalising and reporting on external threats against internal telemetry and its role in taking the SOC to elite performance.
10.45-11.05 FPGA vs software based security,
Tatu Männistö, Senior Director of Technology, Cyber Security, Insta
- An introduction to the advantages of FPGA-based cryptosystems and why they are considered more secure than pure software implementations.
11.10-11.30 Smart Cyber Security – what are the new tools and methods?
Aapo Cederberg, Chairman of the Boardm Cyberwatch Finland
- Cyber challenges are growing and evolving, old methods are not enough. Cyber war has impact to all of us. EU-regulation is setting new requirements to private sector and authorities. Time to upgrade our cyber security thinking und culture.
11.35-11.55 Perception vs Reality: A Data-Driven Look at Open Source Risk Management
Konstantinos Kiourtsis, Principal Solutions Architect, Partners, Sonatype
12.00-12.20 Zscaler: The Evolution of Zero Trust, and why we need Negative Trust
Tony Fergusson, CISO EMEA at Zscaler
- Zero trust is a popular theme that is widely used in the cybersecurity industry. But what exactly does this strategy entail, what are the developments and what does Zero Trust look like in the future? During this presentation, Tony Fergusson, CISO EMEA at Zscaler, will elaborate on this theme. In addition, Negative Trust (Deception) Technology will also be discussed in detail. Using Negative Trust as part of a zero trust architecture helps organizations become more resilient against advanced attacks and any kind of human-operated ransomware or supply chain threats. Highlights of the session:
- How to mitigate risk of attacks that target Zero Trust environment
- What’s the next after Zero Trust? How do you stop insider threats?
- The benefits of Deception Technology
12.25-12.45 The anatomy of a hybrid attack – how cyber resilient are You?
Nial Errity, Director – EMEA Consulting Analyst, Vectra Networks
- Security often thinks in individual, siloed attack surfaces, but hybrid attackers think in one giant attack surface. To get ahead of the hybrid attacker, we need to start thinking like them! In this session, we’ll examine a real-world hybrid attack as seen through the eyes of SOC analysts. Learn why building cyber resilience and stopping advanced, high-speed hybrid attacks starts with one integrated attack signal for one giant attack surface, so advanced, high-speed human intelligence can take over and stop the attacker before the breach.
12.50-13.10 Threat Detection & Response with DNS How to see and stop cyberattacks early in the attack chain
Joris van der Linde, Product Security Specialist, Infoblox, Inc.
- Join our session to understand how you can see and stop cyberattacks earlier in the threat lifecycle and how to unite security with context rich network intelligence for improved SecOps efficiency. Threat Detection and Response with DNS can identity and alert on suspicious activity such as DNS tunneling, domain spoofing, DNS cache poisoning, allowing XDR to quickly respond.
13.15-13.35 AI & Cybersecurity: The Growing need for threat hunting automation
Pavel Mucha, Principal Sales Engineer, Cybereason
- IT defenders must be consistently successful in protecting their network and resources, while hackers only need one successful attack. Moreover, there is no 100% effective prevention, and even the best security can be broken and effectively circumvented. Therefore, we need to focus not only on prevention, but also on ensuring that cyber-attacks that manage to bypass security are quickly detected and completely eliminated in the shortest possible time, preventing them from spreading over the network, stealing data and encryption, or even destroying our resources. What’s more, we have to do it automatically, with the least possible involvement of human resources, which not only is expensive, but also introduces unnecessary delay, and when we are attacked, every second is worth its weight in gold… Pavel Mucha, Principal Sales Engineer at Cybereason, will talk about this and other aspects of effective protection, including AI, and the most advanced cyber-attacks.
13.40-14.00 Data-Centric Strategies for Mitigating Security and Compliance Challenges in Sovereign Cloud Initiatives
Ari Hakala, Senior Director of Business Development, Thales
- This presentation emphasizes a data-centric approach to addressing security and compliance challenges in sovereign cloud services. It includes topics such data sovereignty, legal and regulatory considerations, encryption and key management controls for data, and best practices for maintaining compliance with local laws and international standards. This presentation will help organizations to prioritize data protection and compliance in their cloud strategies.
14.05-14.25 Ensuring security of supply in a digitalised society (cancelled)
Juha Ilkka, Chief Preparedness Specialist, National Emergengy Supply Agency (cancelled)
14.30-14.50 Data Breaches are inevitable – Data Protection and Risk Mitigation for Customers and Partners
Mr Simon Pamplin, CTO Certes Networks
- You cannot fix a Data problem with an Infrastructure Solution – Change your Focus.
14.55-15.15 The future of cyber secure software development
Juhani Eronen, Chief Specialist, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom/NCSC-FI